
Marcella Robin


a sweet medium

I’ve seen quite a lot of cakes in my day (I used to work at a custom cake bakery), so it’s pretty rare when I see a sweet tiered treat that makes me take a second look. And then I saw M Robin Cake Design. Her stunning creations just about knocked my socks off and they made me re-think what cake decoration could be. The best part is that the concept is actually rather simple and it begins from the inside out.



Marcella Robin makes entremet wedding cakes with jaconde designs. Say whaaa? Entremet = a European torte made with sponge cake, mousse, and other delectable creamy goodness. Jaconde = a decorative exterior sponge in which the design itself is baked INTO the cake. Ummm… just watch this video.

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/62210449]