
lindsay larue photography


hello, it’s me… i’ve thought about you for a long long time

I’ve been extremely delinquent with this blog. It’s a good thing when I really think about it – I’ve been so busy living real life that my virtual life has taken a step back. There can only be so many hours in the day, right? And I’ve learned that it’s okay to go through ebbs and flows with different outlets. It’s just a part of figuring it all out.

photo by Lindsey LaRue Photography

What’s been most challenging for this blog in the past few months is coming up with ideas to write about that are different or more interesting than my instagram. I don’t want it to just be a reiteration of the same stuff. I was on a good track with my summer travels but then I just fell off. I still have SO many great pictures from the west coast and also from Montreal – I just gotta hunker down and edit that shiz! I think the answer is to just stop being a perfectionist. I probably don’t need to edit every single picture that goes on here… or do I? I don’t know. One thing I’ve learned recently though is…

I don’t have to be everything to everyone.

The past few months of my life have been all about the above statement. There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t repeat this to myself. It’s been the antidote to feeling inadequate and feeling like colleagues are passing me by. Creating a new mindset requires a mantra, and this one has been mine.

I’m not sure where this blog is going to go. More food? Maybe. More artistic process? I don’t know. Just hang in there with me. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!