


pin addiction: illustration

I bow down to the creators of Pinterest. Never have I ever had such organized imagery inspiration to keep track of all the things that make me look or think twice. As you can imagine, the boards closest to my heart are those related to my craft – art, installation, and illustration. Here is some of my favorite illustrative work found via Pinterest:


Wendy Macmaughton Illustration  Abbey Withington Illustration 

Bernadette Pascua Illustration Juriko Kosaka Illustration 


Aurore de La Morinerie Illustration Juriko Kosaka illustration

Vikki Chu cat illustration Amyilsa McCombie illustration


Sandra Suy fashion illustration

Bernadette Pascua fashion illustration Jessica Durant fashion illustration


Emma Block floral Luli Sanchez illustration

Katie Scott floral Vikki Chu floral illustration

For more illustrious inspiration, check out my illustration board on Pinterest!

studio daydreams

During my college years, I spent many a night (and morning) toiling away at projects in my various classroom studios. At the time I dreaded it – the lack of sleep, the feeling like I couldn’t possibly have enough time to make something worthy of presenting, the endlessness of it all. Little did I know that not too many years later, it would be a lifestyle I miss.

enviable studio spaces | tide & bloom

pin addiction: jumpsuits

Lately I’ve been shopping with my eyes instead of my wallet, which sounds good in terms of practicality and money-saving, but is a little bit unbearable for my incurable fashion addiction. I’m completely guilty of the “I have nothing to wear” syndrome… anyone know a good support group? For now, all I have is Pinterest. My latest addiction is jumpsuits and it’s probably due how infrequently I actually see them in stores. It’s terribly difficult for me to find good fits when it comes to these silhouettes so I can’t bring myself to buy one online either. Here are some jumpsuits I’m currently addicted to looking at:

for work


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for play


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Visit the Tide & Bloom on Pinterest to see more of my materialistic addictions (and some inspirational stuff too)!

pinspired: july

As you can probably already tell, I’m addicted to media. Thanks to technology and ever-present social media, I have endless sources for inspiration to chase after my dreams no matter how defeated I convince myself into feeling. One of the best resources for my inspiration is none other than the every day addiction we know as Pinterest. I have two accounts – a personal one and one for this blog – but T&B gets pinned on way more nowadays. Below you’ll find some of my favorite recent pins. Be sure to follow Tide & bloom on Pinterest to see more of my daily obsessions!


on taking chances : pin // source


elephant ceramics for milk farm road shop : pin // source